Thursday, February 14, 2013

Love Someone Special day

It is the 14th of February. Happy Valentine's day. I love the people I love. I also love making little drawings for my kiddo. Be good. 

Full of crayon and sharpie love.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The cold...

Yup. It gets mighty cold in the North country of upstate New York. So, why not make fun of it with some color doodles?

Friday, September 28, 2012

The story so far...

I keep busy. I've made a LOT of doodles. 
My kiddo's wall of past doodles.
Always makes me smile to see a new one get taped to the wall.
This wall picture shows a fraction of the doodles I've made for my kiddo (and also myself) most every morning. They all start as pencil sketches and then inked with a sharpie. Some get colored with crayon, some get scanned and colored digitally. ALL of them make me smile. I get requests often from online and the guys at my office. My white board is a proven playground for nutty ideas and some have made their way into the daily sketches.

You'll see these guys again, for sure.
What's the plan? Keep myself and other people smiling from my Lit'LFriends. It's really that simple. I love making all of these characters for my kiddo and others and someday they might make it to the moon.

These were made while waiting for my car's oils change.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The honey bear.

Howdy. I have to share another favorite I doodled up for my kiddo this week.  A super cute honey bear. I make most of these before 8 AM so my brain is still getting started between eating breakfast and gearing up for my morning commute for my fulltime job.
So messy, it's cute.

I think I've made a robot for most of my animals...I might have to have a marathon of just robot-related doodles.

Bzzt. Woof. Bzzt.

I was inspired at my office to doodles up some comic-realted characters. I saw some recent art from Mike Mignola and immediately thought of making a Hellboy-inspired colored sketch...along with another robot. 

Here, kitty...
Do NOT push the red, shiny button.

Enjoy. Share. See you again soon.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Almost there...

It's Saturday and it's time for more adventures with cat and duck. Poor cat. Always getting stuck carrying the bags...but their treasure will soon be found! 

There must be a lot of food in those packs.

This was made the other day when my kiddo wasn't feeling well. A funny duck picture always cheers her up.

A parody from a well-known, similarly-rhyming children's book. 

And now for the random sketch. My doodles have appeared on notepads, phonebooks, drywall, and yes, even the underside of a toilet I installed. True story. This one came about the other night while talking with my kiddo a magic trick she made up.

TADA! Snowman. Hehehe.
Enjoy. Share. See you next time...and so will cat and duck. :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I do love me a good puppet show. I make my daughter's stuffed animals make all sorts of voices quit often. So why not her doodles get in on the puppetry. The art of puppetry is said to have been originated some 30,000 years BC. Look it up, even.

I actually would love real puppets of these guys.

Even my little dino gets in on the puppet action.

This one made me laugh every time I passed the fridge this week.

Here are some fun little tiki guys I made on some random photocopies at my office. It's like recycling.

And a colored one, too. 

Is this the way to tribal council?

As always, enjoy, share. See you next time.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A cat, a duck, and a mummy walk into a cave...

No, really.

Welcome to my first posting of the Adventures of Cat and Duck! I have a good number of these pair and plan to have a running series featuring these two. My kiddo loves all of the settings I put them in and the new friends they meet along the way. Good times.

This duck has an opposable thumb that enables him to operate a flashlight. Just sayin.

Slightly domesticated animals can't have all of the fun. All of these doodles started from me drawing these three dinosaurs for my kiddo when she was a lot younger.

This was done during the summer on an especially warm sunny day.

Here is a bonus sketch from my office pad doodles. I like to draw odd faces. 

Enjoy. Share.